
© Guy Van Heygen 2003



milipede.jpg (79072 bytes)Seychelleptus seychellarum or Seychelles giant millipede occurs in the tropical rainforest above 200 meters and can reach a length of more than 30 centimetres. It is not an insect, but is closer related to lobsters and crabs. It prefers a humid environment, and feeds on decaying vegetation and leaf litter. Note that a millipede secretes a brown liquid that can be more or less dangerous to humans. Some people may be allergic or sensitive to the liquid, especially if put into eyes or mouth.  


centipede2.jpg (119524 bytes)The centipede Scolopendra subspinipes and the yellow wasp are the only sticking animals to be afraid of, in particular the centipede. The centipede is a nocturnal rather dangerous animal. It can reach 15 cm in length and its bite is very painful. To avoid any inconvenience of this kind it is advisable not to walk barefoot at night. They live at night in the grass, so it is advisable not to walk barefooth after sundown. A centipede can reach a length of 18 cm.


palm spider.jpg (68734 bytes)The Seychelles palm spider or Nephilia inaurata can be seen all over the Seychelles. The female with a total diameter from 20 centimetres, and a body length of 6 centimetres is a very impressive spider. Its web can have 1,5meter diameter, and the threads are among the strongest in the spider world, and can hold young birds and fruit bats. The males are 20 times smaller than the females and spend their life in the females web. Normally there are several males in the web.

<On the picure You can see a male behind the female.


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The Rhinoceros beetle Oryctes monoceros is the largest of all beetles in Seychelles reaching 6 cm. The larvae can cause great damage to the roots of the young coconut trees. A lot of control measures have been tried, like the introduction of carnivorous beetles and parasitic wasps. It is a real pest on the African continent.




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Achatina fulica or giant African landsnail originates from East Africa but is spread all over the Indian as well as the Pacific Ocean. It was even introduced in Florida for human consumption but turned out as a plage for agriculture.




naaktslak.jpg (60320 bytes)Vaginula seychellensis is a very common slug in the Silhouette rainforest.





reuze landkrab.jpg (49088 bytes)Cardisoma carnifex is a big impressiv land crab living in the neighbourhood of marshes, digging large holes. Despite its size it is completely harmles, vegetarian and an important cleaner of the marshes and its surroundings. Like on the picture sometimes penetrates in houses.



walking Stick.jpg (93964 bytes)Carausius sechellensis is one of the endemic walkingsticks you can find in the mist forest of Silhouette.



Photo Emmanuel Van Heygen